Living the naturalist life is believing in nature to know best. Because who are we to tell nature what is best for us – when we are merely a microscopic part of nature.
We live in this universe that has evolved for eternity. Life on this planet, Earth, has likewise been molded and refined through billions of years. Why is it that humans often like to think that we have the special recipe to fix every issue? And was it even an issue in the first place?
Sometimes it can feel like humans and our current society is continuously trying to fix problems with various products that nature already had the perfect solution for. Built in. Products that are often heavily advertised through mainstream media and fast fashion. This makes many people continuously playing the catch-up game – rather than living a truly peaceful and fulfilling life.
The naturalist life is about listening to ourselves. Our body, our mind, our spirit, and the nature that we are all parts of. Living naturally is living in nature and with nature. Naturalism is the belief that nature, more often than not, already has the answer to most of our questions. We simply have to listen more carefully.
Living naturally is living more peaceful and fulfilling lives in-sync with nature. Naturally.